April 11th and 12th, 2014: Austin, TX. The Handbuilt Motorcycle Show (handbuiltmotorcycleshow.com) is a showcase of builders and craftspeople combining skill, knowledge and ingenuity to create one-of-a-kind handcrafted machines. These artists add fuel to a revolution in the making, one that encourages people to explore the unrivaled satisfaction and joy of creating something with one’s own hands. The Handbuilt Motorcycle Show strives to spotlight those working in the custom motorcycle scene to create truly unique machines built to fit personalized desires of design and function.
Special Thanks to the following folks:
- Traveller Denim Co. (travellerdenim.com/)
- Brian Philips (artbybrianphillips.com/)
- Chris Bilheimer (bilheimer.com)
- Joe Swec (facebook.com/pages/Joe-Swec-Sign-Painting/269384516424702)