Are ya'll ready for some country? Our next Revival Tune-Ups Guest Playlist comes from a long-time friend of the shop. In fact, we've known Connie Collingsworth since before Revival even opened its doors. Connie is a music industry icon and has been creating art for bands for over twenty years. Initially making her mark as half of Bowling Green, Kentucky's Print Mafia, she has made designs for hundreds of bands. Really, she's worked for pretty much every band.
Since the hyper prolific days of Print Mafia, Connie hasn't slowed down one iota. The truth is, she's kinda quadrupled down and now runs multiple businesses. Her record label, La Honda Records (featuring Colter Wall, Vincent Neil Emerson, The Local Honeys, and Riddy Arman,) Ridin' High productions, LGBTQ merch company Butch and Sissy, and lifestyle brand California Doom, all have Connie's hand guiding them.
Give all her doings a follow @connie_tv @ridinhighproductions @lahonda.records @butchandsissy @californiadoom @printmafiaofficial
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