Revival Tune-Ups No. 34 : Rob Jones / Animal Rummy / Mondo

We've known our next Revival Tune-Ups guest playlist contributor for damn near 20 years. It could be longer. Time flies when you are busy making stuff. Grammy-winning artist Rob Jones knows this all too well.

If that time frame, he's designed hundreds of posters, art prints, and albums. And if that didn't keep his dance card full, he also founded Mondo. Maybe you've heard of them? They only produce the best and most collectible film and music-related merch going. That's Rob; he did that.

Rob has one of the most brilliant minds in the design and music world. His work isn't just a bunch of pretty or disconnected images slapped together; they are multi-faceted with layers of meaning. Imagery is always chosen to tell a very specific story, even if it is one Rob made up on his own. Like linking a song lyric to the Wizard of Oz, a Rollins poem, and sitting, fully clothed, in a shower. The level of detail in Rob's work goes well beyond the image staring you in the face.

He's done hundreds of introspective illustrations of his life using Charlie Brown as the vehicle.

His solo show "Grief" put 100 prints from this exercise on full visceral display. Watch the short video highlighting this body of work to really understand how deep Rob goes. If you are the reading type, Evil Tender did an expanded interview with Rob about his show.

Did we mention Rob won a Grammy? It's not surprising, given the body of work he has created with long-time collaborator Jack White.

 Whether for The White Stripes, The Raconteurs, Dead Weather, or Jack's solo career, Rob has been there with his finger on Jack's pulse.

Odds are, if you like any of those bands, you have Rob's art on your shelves. All those hours paid off when he and Jack won best packaging for a boxed set, beating out album design master Vaughan Oliver.

But that win isn't even the most interesting story from the awards. Rob is persistent about the details of everything. And never one to be unnoticed, he commissioned a custom pink leather suit for the ceremony, fashioned to the specifications of Elvis's '68 Comeback Special suit. He completed the look with a sweet Turbonegro tee and a Danzig belt buckle. Suffice it to say the Grammy's have never seen a fashion icon like Rob.

Watch the elation as he hauls ass to the stage like a contestant "coming on down" to The Price is Right.

Does yourself a kindness, watch and read all the links in this post, give Rob a follow on Instagram, and then dial up Rob's playlist. It's as eclectic as Rob and anything we've ever published. Do you have Danzig and Judy Garland in the same mix? We do...Thanks, Rob.

Rob jones close up

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